Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Good Father

I spent the day catching up on the episodes I missed while the power was off.
Things I'm tired of:
Sonny and Carly being married - They are not Luke and Laura. Let Carly be happy, as long as possible or her, with Jax
Liz/Lucky/Maxie - Liz needs to make up her mind about Lucky. He needs to get off the pills (I'm so tired of that storyline). Maxie needs to find someone else.

I've also noticed all the characters who have confessed their sins to Father Mateo. Liz isn't even Catholic, but she told the Father about her baby's paternity. Mateo is going to use all this ammunition to try and bring down a lot of the top dogs in Port Charles. I'm interested in seeing what they are going to do with Mateo. Will he be the good guy, or turn out to be the new ultimate bad guy of Port Charles? I don't really want to see them kill Mateo off, because I like the actor.

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