Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Liason vs Jasam

First of all...I love Elizabeth, whether or not she is with Lucky. To be honest, I only really liked her with the original Lucky. I haven't cared for the other 2 at all. That said, I too see her at least leaning to the dark side. I don't see her ever going there since she is one of the only 'good' characters left. Besides, GH is too busy committing character assasination on too many others to worry about her at the moment. If I am honest, I do want Liason back. I lost my faith in Jasam when Sam slept with Ric, but I do want Jason to be happy - 'cuz let's face it...that's why I have watched off and on all these years.
I do wonder if the child will turn out to be Jason's or if the writers will simplify things by having her miscarriage. I don't see her going back to Lucky any time soon and I don't really care if he goes back to the drugs or not. I just don't care anymore. Let him be with that idiot Maxi for all I care!
I don't think the Angel of Death with be Mateo since that is too easy. My money is on Anna or Robert Scorpio. But who knows...I have never really liked Alcazar and I don't mind if he leaves. Skye used to be an interesting character and now she is just a pale imitation of Carly. As far as I am concerned, good ol' Lorenzo can't die fast enough!
On a completely different note, after a slow start, I am really warming to Lulu. What about you? And what do you think about the possible Lulu/Dillon/Milo love triangle?

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