Thursday, January 11, 2007

Triangles galore

I am so sick of the Ric/Liz/Jason/Sam blackout stuff. They slept around that night, and now they all need to get over it. I never liked the idea that Sam would sleep with Ric knowing all the people it would hurt. I don't really buy that she wasn't thinking. I think she saw it as a way to get back at Alexis and Jason for doing and saying hurtful things to her. She is really bad about playing the victim sometimes. She whines that every time she sees Liz she thinks of that night. Sam just needs to get over it, or move on somewhere else.

I am interested in seeing how far Skye is willing to go in the mob business. Deep down she has always wanted power, and now she's about to get her chance. I have always liked Alcazar. He's a bad guy I tend to gravitate towards. I think it's that whole tortured mobster trait. I used to like that in Sonny until he kept having all those break-downs. The question is will Skye be able to hand things back over to Alcazar if/when he gets better.

I've always liked Lulu. I really don't want her to end up with Dillon. They did that last summer with the whole pregnancy/abortion storyline. I'm warming up to seeing her with Milo. I was hoping to see her with Prof. Marquez, but it looks like they're going to throw him and Georgie together. Georgie was interesting when she was with Dillon, but she's turned into a really boring character lately. As far as I'm concerned Maxie could end up walking off a pier and I wouldn't miss her.

Any guesses on who the new British guy will turn out to be? Will he be a mobster or a good guy? I'm voting for mobster. I thought he might have been the one to poison Alcazar, but that would be too easy. Mateo is my vote for trying to finish off Alcazar. After all Alcazar basically got his brother killed.

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